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Design Secrets for a Non-Designer: Business Edition

Chantilly Jaggernauth

Last year I had the pleasure of presenting Design Secrets for a Non-Designer at the 2019 Tableau Conference. The goal of my presentation was to share visualization design processes and concepts for creating stunning dashboards in Tableau. Attendees walked away learning the 5 design process elements:

  1. Gather Requirements

  2. Create a Template

  3. Incorporate Icons

  4. Choose Colors that Matter

  5. Keep Fonts Simple

The presentation was well received and today many people throughout the data community continue to reference the material. Recently, I decided to expand on the original content by creating a version that focuses on business dashboards. The goal of Design Secrets for a Non-Designer: Business Edition is to show users that the same design elements can be used when creating business dashboards. Yesterday, during the Lovelytics webinar, I showcased the same 5 design elements and provided viewers with examples of business use cases.

Check out the full presentation below!

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Happy Vizzing!

Chantilly Jaggernauth


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